About the Founders

Sebastian & Anant have over 40 years of

combined experience in

Startup, AI, Technology, Games, Management & Operations.

Colleagues and friends for more than 10 years.

Sebastian Lagemann

Founder + Technology & Product

Anant Bakre

Founder + Strategy & Operations

The reason why slab exists

Games Publishing is Totally Broken!

Legacy Model, Scale only for the few, Thousands of games can’t realise their true potential

“We spent all our time and heart to develop an unique and awesome game but we have no clue how to grow our users and level-up the game.”

– William PS, Seraph Games Studios


Sources: here and here


Automate Accelerate Accumulate – Tiered Game Publishing For You!

AI powers EVERYTHING we do:

  • Automated App Store listings in 89 languages / all supported countries
  • Scalable App Store Optimisation (ASO)
  • Continuous Marketing Automation
  • Instant Game Localiyation
  • Automated Quality Assurance (QA)

Game Studios are Desperate for SLAB

  • 850+ studios with over 1,500 games pre-registered
  • Registrations from indies and global game studios
  • App Store rankings boosted by 11x
  • 4x increase in player install base for early adopters

ARR of $100,000+

Investors Believing in Slab